Laraway provides direct services ranging from Therapeutic Foster and Residential Care with 24-hour crisis support. We offer therapeutic day treatment and educational services at Laraway School and provide public school-based behavior and mental health support and consultation to help youth and families grow and succeed.

in small steps and giant leaps of faith.
• Academic Strides
• Connections with Family & Community
• Transitions to Independence
in small steps and giant leaps of faith.

Learn More
Laraway’s goal is to help Vermont’s
most vulnerable at risk youth. Our programs and services
offer a trauma informed approach to belonging, community and healing.

The care of animals fosters a sense of responsibility and patience. This experience also offers an opportunity to adapt to and learn from new situations. Our chickens are friendly creatures, and both our young visitors and staff take great pleasure in their daily interactions and care sessions with them.


Consider making a donation to our Youth Crisis Fund. The Crisis Fund allows us to address critical needs not covered by traditional funding.

Considering opening your home and your heart? Doing so could truly change the life of a child. Learn more about Foster and Respite Care.

Please consider donating one or more of the items on Laraway’s wish-list. New or gently used items to support our programs are accepted.
At Laraway, you are not just an employee, you are part of our community.